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  Onko quarterit terveitä?

Lähettäjä: . 
Päivämäärä:   9.1.25 09:31:01

Monella quarterilla on aika lihaksikas peppu ja rakenne eri kun "normaalilla" hevosella ja näyttää ainakin että luontaisesti pistää todella paljon painoa etujalkoihin kun seisoo. Ovatko ne kuitenkin terveitä ettei ole mitään terveysongelmia vaikka näyttävätkin ihan erilaiselta? Minulle kyseessä tuntematon rotu mutta täällä on varmasti porukkaa jotka tietävät rodusta paljon.

Itselle tuli vaan mieleen kun on paljon puhuttu siitä lehmärodusta, joka ei voi edes synnyttää vasikoita normaalisti isojen peppulihaksien takia että lihaksetkin tuovat aina tietyn pisteen jälkeen ongelmia.

Mulla on vielä toinenkin kysymys että pystyisikö quarterit rakenteensa puolesta hyppäämään vaikka metrin esteitä?

Sivistäkää yksinkertaista :D

  Re: Onko quarterit terveitä?

Lähettäjä: . 
Päivämäärä:   9.1.25 10:00:19

Eivät ole terveitä.

  Re: Onko quarterit terveitä?

Lähettäjä: Ööh 
Päivämäärä:   9.1.25 10:12:48

Eivät ole terveitä. Ei sillä rakenteella ja geenistöllä..

  Re: Onko quarterit terveitä?

Lähettäjä: . 
Päivämäärä:   9.1.25 10:36:09

Mitä terveysongelmia niillä sitten on?

  Re: Onko quarterit terveitä?

Lähettäjä: . 
Päivämäärä:   9.1.25 10:38:22

Monilla takasissa kintereet liian suorat, samoin takapolvet.

  Re: Onko quarterit terveitä?

Lähettäjä: . 
Päivämäärä:   9.1.25 10:46:48

Along with their valued characteristics, some Quarter Horses have inherited genetic diseases that limit their ability to perform and stay healthy. Caused by defective genes that are passed from one or both parents to their foals, these diseases cause problems that may be mild and easily managed, or so severe that the affected horse is often euthanized.

Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) is a dominant condition, meaning that foals need to inherit only one gene to show signs of the disease. It was first seen in heavily-muscled halter horses and at one time affected more than half the horses bred for this purpose. It is caused by a defect in the generation and conduction of the electrical impulses that control muscle contraction. Horses that are mildly affected may show only a few muscle tremors, but severely affected animals may develop muscle cramping, paralysis, collapse, or sudden death. Careful nutritional management is successful in preventing signs of HYPP in many horses.

Polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) is a dominant disease caused by a defect in the glycogen synthase gene. It affects more than 10% of Quarter Horses and is also found in other breeds. Affected horses may show muscle stiffness and cramping (tying-up) that may be mild or severe. In some cases, horses with PSSM are unable to exercise normally because of weakness, pain, and reluctance to move. In many horses, PSSM can be managed by dietary modification to minimize intake of carbohydrates.

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is another dominant disease that may be present in a horse and never be discovered. MH can be triggered by extreme stress, use of the anesthetic halothane, and treatment with succinylcholine, a muscle relaxant. Under these special circumstances, an affected horse may show an extreme rise in body temperature accompanied by abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, breakdown of muscle tissue, and sometimes death.

Glycogen branching enzyme deficiency (GBED) is a recessive trait, meaning that both parents must pass on the defective gene for offspring to be affected. GBED is carried by 8 to 10% of Quarter Horses and is also found in some Paints and Appaloosas that have Quarter Horse ancestry. This disorder causes a malfunction in the use and storage of glycogen in the brain, liver, and muscles. Mares may abort affected fetuses, or they may deliver a weak or dead foal. If the foal is born alive, it usually dies or is euthanized soon after birth. No treatment exists, so GBED is always fatal.

Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia (HERDA) is another recessive trait that is less common, affecting fewer than 4% of the breed. Horses that have HERDA are born with a defect in the structure and function of collagen, a component of tissues such as skin, muscles, and cartilage. Foals appear normal at birth and the defect is often noticed only as training is begun. Wearing a saddle often causes the horse’s skin to tear away from the underlying muscles, leaving large raw areas that fail to heal. These horses can survive but are not able to be used or bred and are often euthanized.

  Re: Onko quarterit terveitä?

Lähettäjä: kuu 
Päivämäärä:   9.1.25 11:50:57

Kintereet ongelmana niinkuin joku jo sanoikin. Quarterilla on myös ns. paimennusvaisto eli suorat takajala auttavat hevosta kääntymään nopeasti, ssmoin kuin täysiveriset. Tynnyrinkiertokisat aloitetaan n 2v mutta kehittyvät fyysisesti nopeasti. Isot puoliveri- ja kylmäveriset hevoset kuitenkin hitaammin.

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